
Hi! I’m the gal behind Robin Chavez Photography. I’m the mother of three beautiful boys, the adoptive mom to two pups, a bunny and a frog, and a best friend to my husband.

I find happiness with children, peace in nature, and comfort in guacamole and cookie dough ice cream. I’m silly, yet serious, and passionate about whatever I choose to do. The adventure of photography began for me after my youngest son was born. My biggest dreams in life had come true when I became “Mommy,” but I still found myself searching for something else that made me feel like “Me,” as if another piece of the puzzle was still missing. I had always loved art and creative writing and had been a preschool teacher and a makeup artist before having children. I knew that I needed something as a creative outlet, that I could learn and grow with, and also be flexible for my children.

After spending an hour of frustration at a department store getting my son’s portraits taken, I found myself taking over the posing, angles and set-ups myself. On the way home, I mumbled under my breath, “I should be doing that.” And it hit me. Why am I not doing that? It seemed to me that my experience with children, my love of sewing and creative planning, as well as my crazy obsession with chasing my kids around, documenting their every move with my point-and-shoot had led up to that one moment. Why am I not doing that?

That very day I announced to my family and friends that I was going to become a photographer. They may not have taken me seriously at first, but they say that at that moment when you fall in love, you just know. That’s how my love of photography began. I shoot with a Canon 5D Mark ii that I call “Baby” and what my family calls my “fourth child.” I use natural light and shoot on location. My goal is to make every session unique and special, just as my subject is. I find my inspiration from people, from music, and from books. I love what I do. I love the planning, getting to know my client, photographing my subject, the editing process, and especially delivering the finished product.

Despite the sappiness, photography makes me feel complete.

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